Challenges and opportunities in integrating radiology with nursing specialization: A Multidisciplinary perspective

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Fatimah Nasser Alsaad, Rawia Abdulali Mohamed Alansari, Al Jazi Saad Al Anazi, Wedad Hamod Nashi Alshamari, Rasha Lafi Mejze Al Enzy, Seham Lafi Mejze Alenzi, Asma Lafi Mejze Al Enzy, Dalal Thweeb Daghish Alshmmary, Mashael Fallag Ageel Alshammarl, Badriah Ghannam Ghanem Alshmmary, Taghreed Abdullah Saeed Alzahrani, Zahra Ibrahim Mohammed, Ameena Hassan Hakami, Huda Salah Alkhaibari, Nashmiah Fahad Alenazi.


In today’s complex healthcare environment, collaboration between disciplines is paramount. Radiology and nursing represent two essential pillars of patient care, combining the precision of imaging with the empathetic and holistic approach of nursing. By working together, these fields create a synergy that ensures diagnostic accuracy while enhancing patient preparedness and safety (Livingstone & Isaacowitz, 2021; Foley et al., 2023). This integrated approach has become increasingly necessary as healthcare systems strive to improve both outcomes and patient experiences.

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