Pharmacists as Healthcare Innovators: Clinical Pharmacy’s Role in Comprehensive Patient Care and Safety

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Zainab Abbas Ali Altawfeq, Rabab Sayed Ezzat, Rami Kamil Othman, Walid Meteb Almetery, Khulod Nawaf Alotaibi, Waleed Atyah Mohammed Alzahrani, Saud Mohammed Alsalamah, Abrar Wahab Alquraini, Omar Abdulaziz Al Turki, Abdullah Misfer Ghazi Al-Otaibi, Mohammed Khaled Jaloom, Ali Jassim Aljassim, Marwah Abdullah Althowaimer, Jazza Ayed Mohmmed Almutiry, Rugayah Ahmed Alshayeb,


Pharmacists have traditionally been viewed as dispensers of medications, responsible for filling prescriptions and ensuring the safe distribution of drugs (Bhakta ., et al .2022).   However, in modern healthcare systems, their role has significantly expanded. Today, pharmacists are recognized as essential contributors to patient care, integrating their expertise in medication management with broader clinical responsibilities to optimize health outcomes (American Pharmacists Association,2020).

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