Review of Literature

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Reem Abdulrazzaq Hejles, Rasha Abdulaziz Alabdulwahed,Tariq Abdullah Alshamrani,Zaid Saeed Saleh Alwaked,Fahdah Khulaif Owaynan Al Anazi, Majed Mohammadnoor Abunassif, Yahya Ibrahim Hassan Khurmi,Aysha Kola If Alonazy Aylonazy,Saud Ghallab Alotaibi, Ahmad Zaben Alotaibi,Ahmad Nasser Alotaibi, Turky Mubark Naqa Alotaibi, Shaman Mubark Naqa Alotaibi, Jamal Safar Badr Al-Otaibi,Saad Salem Aldawsari


This review highlights the critical role of patient-centered diagnostic care (PCC) in enhancing healthcare quality, focusing on its core principles of dignity, personalized care, and patient empowerment. PCC fosters partnerships between healthcare providers and patients, aiming to improve patient satisfaction, self-care abilities, and health outcomes while reducing hospitalization rates. A central element of PCC is accurate and timely diagnosis, facilitated by laboratory diagnostics, which play a crucial role in disease detection, risk assessment, and personalized treatment. Effective diagnostic processes rely on precise patient preparation, specimen collection, and handling, underscoring the importance of quality assurance and error minimization in laboratory medicine.

The review also emphasizes the collaborative role of nursing and laboratory staff in achieving high-quality diagnostic care. Nurses bridge communication between clinicians, patients, and laboratories, coordinating test requests, results, and patient preparation. Interprofessional collaboration enhances diagnostic accuracy, treatment efficacy, and patient satisfaction. Additionally, the implementation of shared protocols and guidelines between nursing and laboratory teams promotes consistent care, minimizes errors, and fosters a collaborative environment.

Technological advancements, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), have transformed laboratory diagnostics by automating processes, managing large datasets, and facilitating personalized medicine. AI applications in clinical labs streamline sample identification, quality control, and result interpretation, contributing to error reduction and efficiency in diagnostics. Despite AI’s potential, ethical considerations and accessibility remain challenges.

Best practices in laboratory testing emphasize patient safety, focusing on quality assurance throughout the Total Testing Process (TTP). Effective specimen management and risk management strategies are essential in ensuring diagnostic reliability. The integration of PCC, interprofessional collaboration, and AI-driven advancements positions laboratory diagnostics as a cornerstone of modern healthcare, supporting a holistic, patient-focused approach that aligns with evolving healthcare demands.

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