The Role of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

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Abdulla Saleh Ahmed Alzahrani, Khadija Abdel Rahman Al-Sayed, Hadil Abdullah Bahameem, Salha Ebrahem Alshamarani, Fatimah Zubeer Zakkar Barnawi, Sarah Mohammed Alharthi, Suad Mohammad Ahmed Olwani, Waleed Awad Ghalab Almutairi, Ebtehal Mohammed Al Hayyan, Ahlam Saad Mahja Alanazi, Suliman Abdullah Aldamegh, Maisa Mubark Alawad, Taghreed Mohammed Khairallah Alshammari, Tamani Halil Alanzi, Amani Mohammad Alshehri,


This review explores the critical role of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in nursing, emphasizing its significance in enhancing patient care and improving clinical outcomes. EBP integrates the best available research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient preferences, fostering informed decision-making in nursing practice. The review traces the historical evolution of EBP, highlighting its emergence as a cornerstone of modern nursing education and professional development. Key foundational elements of EBP are discussed. Despite its benefits, the implementation of EBP faces several barriers, such as insufficient organizational support, lack of access to research resources, and limited confidence among nursing staff. The review underscores the importance of a supportive organizational culture, driven by effective nurse leadership, in facilitating EBP adoption. Nurse leaders are identified as pivotal in creating environments conducive to EBP by advocating for resources, modeling evidence-based decision-making, and promoting professional development opportunities. Additionally, the review highlights the necessity of integrating EBP into nursing education, ensuring that future nurses are equipped with the skills needed to critically appraise and apply research. Ongoing professional development and mentorship programs are recommended to reinforce EBP among practicing nurses. Finally, the review proposes practical and innovative strategies to enhance EBP implementation, such as establishing EBP champions within nursing units, leveraging technology for easy access to resources, and conducting regular workshops. By addressing existing barriers and fostering a culture that embraces EBP, healthcare organizations can empower nurses to utilize evidence effectively, ultimately improving patient-centered care in an increasingly complex healthcare landscape.

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